A letter to my Sibling

A Letter to my Sibling

A sibling is your real brother or sister. Sibling is one whom we hate for no reason, with whom we fight for television remote. He/ She is the person who measures the food quantity before sharing it. They irritate each other, make fun of each other, uncountable fights without considering day or night.

The time passes, we become mature, we understand their importance in our life .They guide us, saves us from parents anger.
We realize that without their taunts, fights, irrelevant suggestion on problems, comment on dresses- LIFE IS INCOMPLETE.
Their(sibling) absence make us feel incomplete. Their overprotective behavior, makes us feel secured, shows their care, love and support.
We realize "Siblings are a blessing".

The poem below is written for my sibling, Brother:
We fight more,
We talk less.
He cares more,
But shows it less.
He loves me,
But hides it too.
dear brother,
Blessed to have you.
I feel "The greatest gift our parents give us is each other".

I hope you enjoyed reading. Do share with your loved ones.

 Thank- you.


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