When things go wrong - Divert Your Mind!

If you are feeling good, it's because you are thinking good, you are happy from heart. Everything is based upon your thinking, about your thoughts. If you think negative, you attract negativity and became sad for no reason, because from inside you are making yourself sad by thinking all bad . 

If you are sad just divert you mind, think of happiness, be around with the people that make you feel happy, with the people who will not make you feel mentally low. Eat you favorite food, spend time with kids, walk in nature, play with your pet animal, go for shopping, movie, cafe. Just ignore what makes you sad.

No amount of regretting , thinking will change your situation, it will just affect you mentally which cannot be healed by any medicine, it will only be healed by you (by thinking positive) So let it be, bad situations always teaches something good to us .
Remember your thoughts are the primary cause of anything. So Think positive, feel positive and the positive will happen.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Do share with your loved ones.

 Thank- you.


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