Sunscreen - keep your skin smiling!


 When it comes to selecting sunscreen, there are a lot of choices: creams, lotions, sticks, and aerosols or sprays, with different ingredients used.

 Sunscreen plays a key role in protecting our skin from the sun. 

Wearing sunscreen is one of the best — and easiest — ways to protect your skin’s appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging.

How much amount to apply?

Generally, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.

If you work indoors and sit away from windows, you may not need a second application. Be mindful of how often you step outside, though. Keep a spare bottle of sunscreen at your desk just to be safe. Even a short stroll at lunch could put your skin at risk.

Keep in mind that no sunscreen is perfect. Wear wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses or other protective clothing, and seek shade whenever possible.


  • Preventing Tanning, Sunburn, 
  • Lowers risk of Skin cancer, 
  • Prevents Wrinkles and premature ageing
  • Shields the skin from UV rays

Check-list befor buying a Sunscreen

A small check list that you need to keep in mind while picking up the sunscreen:

1. Make sure your sunscreen contains the following:

  • Titanium dioxide
  • Octyl methoxycinnamatei  (OMC)
  • Avobenzonei  (also parsol)
  • Zinc oxide

2. If you have acne-prone skin or oily skin, use sunscreen lotions that are gel or water-based.

3. To make sure your sunscreen stays for a longer time on your skin, use a waterproof formula that is rich in SPF 30 or above.

4. It is best to advised to wear sunscreen at least half an hour in advance before stepping out.

5. If you are planning to stay out on a beach or sunbathing, apply a re-coat every 2-3 hours to protect your skin from sun damage and sunburn.

6. Also make sure your sunscreen lotion is rich in SPF 30 (or higher), Broad-spectrum protection (UVA/UVB) and is water-resistant.

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